Saturday, October 27


Today Ian reunited with his adviser and thesis-mates for a common cause.
Duh..?!? Ano pa ba eh di thesis.

He and Sith divided their work since both have to deal with more than a thousand data.
They always divide the work naman. So it's normal.
What wasn't normal today was the fact that Ian actually managed to push through without actually totally knowing what he was doing.
Hahahahah. Sounds weird. Yeah.

That's what he did all this time.

Managed to work out 163 entries today by finding EST sequences from NCBI. Four hundred thirty one more.
He could've done more.

However he thought he was tiring himself too much and he needed a break.
Well, not all breaks are quick.
Not to him.
After a "Cracklings" pig-out, he started downloading Episode 5 of Grey's Anatomy (Season 4). While doing so (since the download takes about an hour and a half to finish), he watched Ratatouille (which he downloaded the other night *oops*).

The movie was great, except for some eeekeee parts where rats are all over the kitchen. (Really gross at first).

Quite tired, Ian decides to see Grey's tomorrow morning, just before he starts living his life this weekend -- the life of a.. uh... watchamacallit. Whatever. A robot perhaps.

By the way,
Monday is Audi day.


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