Friday, April 6

For my birthday, please..?

A Change of Pace

Prepare the Masses

1. Prepare the Masses
2. How To Rape A Country
3. I’m Alive
4. Shoot from the Hip
5. Weekend Warriors
6. White Lines and Lipstick
7. A Song the World Can Sing Out Loud
8. Take Care
9. War In Your Bedroom
10. I Wanna Be Your Rock & Roll
11. Recipe for Disaster
12. Safe and Sound in Phone Lines

An Offer You Can't Refuse

1. Loose Lips Sink Ships
2. Death Do Us Part
3. Every Second
4. Asleep at the Wheel
5. December
6. Know One Knows
7. Home is where the Heart Is
8. A Farewell to Friendship
9. Chippie
10. Goodbye for Now
11. Queen of Hearts

..rheyian™ XD

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